« Making waterskiing known and accessible to everyone. »
It’s with this conviction that Laurent Gregoriou started more than 20 years ago now by creating his first water sport base “Water Gliding Passion” on the beautiful La Nartelle beach in St. Maxime.
In very little time, his passion for the sport, professionalism and above all the confidence granted to him by his peers allowed him to transform the water park into a genuine water ski and wakeboarding school !
Whether you haven’t practiced water sports before, are a beginner or have proved yourself on the water, the Nartelle team is here to help you and share with you their passion for water skiing and wakeboarding !

Beginner’s level ? No worries, we offer private lessons for adults and children 5 and above ! Our state-certified instructors are there in the water with you to give you all their advice face to face! Since both instructor and student are towed behind the boat, you will progress dramatically and will quickly become a pro !
Intermediate level ? You’ve already fallen in love with the sensations of water skiing or wakeboarding and want to enjoy a few moments of skiing during the holidays ? Enjoy our dream location on the Nartelle beach and indulge in your passion! Our instructors will guide you to gain confidence and technique ! Possibility of training period to perfect your skills.
Confirmed Level ? Water skiing or wakeboarding hold no secrets for you ? The team of Water Glisse Passion La Nartelle will be happy to welcome you early in the morning to enjoy exceptional water skiing and wakeboarding conditions !
Are you curious to discover our other water sports parks ?
Good news, this activity is also available :
« Faire découvrir le ski nautique et le rendre accessible au plus grand nombre. »
Tel fut le crédo sur lequel se fonda Laurent Gregoriou, il y a plus de 25 ans, en créant la base nautique Water Glisse Passion sur la plage de la Nartelle à Sainte Maxime.
En peu de temps, sa passion pour le sport, son professionnalisme mais surtout la confiance accordée par ses pairs lui permirent de transformer la base nautique en une école de ski et de wakeboard reconnue !
Que vous n’ayez jamais pratiqué de sport de ski nautique, que vous soyez débutant ou confirmé dans la pratique de ce sport, l’équipe de la Nartelle est là pour vous conseiller et partager avec vous sa passion pour la glisse !